Download SQLyog Enterprise v5.2

Download SQLyog Enterprise v5.2

All features and benefits of SQLyog Community EditionUnlimited "ticket-based" support directly from SQLyog developers Includes non-GPL extensions - "Power Tools" featuring:Powerful Migration Toolkit
Smart Autocomplete Manage hosted MySQL over SSH, HTTP, HTTPS tunnelsScheduled Data synchronizationSide by side visual Schema Synchronization Wizard Driven Scheduled BackupsNotification Services 1 year of free upgrades
90-day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee
SQLyog Community Edition comparison sheet | download
The most popular MySQL GUI for the last 4 years - now Open Source! Downloaded more than a million times! Industrial strength C++ code. Uses MySQL C APIs - the fastest way to access MySQL Strong User Community. Rich FAQ. Get support from thousands of SQLyog users at Webyog Forums SQLyog Enterprise Edition buy | download
$47 All features and benefits of SQLyog Community Edition Unlimited "ticket-based" support directly from SQLyog developers Includes non-GPL extensions - "Power Tools" featuring:
Powerful Migration Toolkit
Smart Autocomplete
Manage hosted MySQL over SSH, HTTP, HTTPS tunnels
Scheduled Data SynchronizationSide by side visual Schema Synchronization
Wizard Driven Scheduled Backups
Notification Services

Apart from the regular administrative features like backup and restore, and object management, this program supports database synchronization, notification services, ODBC import, structure synchronization and scheduled backups.SQLyog Community Edition comparison sheet The most popular MySQL GUI for the last 4 years Industrial strength C++ code. Uses MySQL C APIs - the fastest way to access MySQL Strong User Community. Rich FAQ. Get support from thousands of SQLyog users at Webyog Forums All features and benefits of SQLyog Community EditionUnlimited "ticket-based" support directly from SQLyog developers .